Global events

Visualia allows to send and receive global events from any component and page.


function emit(name: string, payload?: any): void;

To send a global message, use a emit() function. Send accepts a name parameter (any string value) and an optional payload parameter that can be any Javascript data type.


Here we are listening <button>'s click event and send a global event named message.

<button v-on:click="emit('message')">💌 Send a message</button>


function on(name: string, handler = (payload?: any) => {}): void;

To receive an event, use a on() function with name parameter and a callback function.


Here we listen for events and set a global variable v.sent to true.

{{ on("message", () => v.sent = true) }}

::: tip Waiting for a message to be sent...
{{ v.sent ? '💌 Message sent!' : ''}}

Waiting for a message to be sent...

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