Array functions


Generates a list of numbers between from and to. Inspired by Python's range() function.

export function range(from: number, to: number, step: number = 1): number[];


> range(0,{{ v.length }}) = {{ range(0, v.length) }}

<v-slider v-model="v.length" :value="10" max="10" />

range(0,1) = []

The return value of range() is Javascript Array so you can use all array methods to further process it.

For example, .map() provides a useful tool to adjust a step between range elements:

<svg width="400" height="40">
  <circle v-for="x in range(0, 10).map(x => x * (v.step ?? 20))" :cx="x" cy="20" r="10" opacity="0.1" />

> <v-slider v-model="v.step" :value="20" max="40" />
> step: {{ v.step }}



Accepts an arr array and returns array of elements split into groups the length of size.

Inspired by Lodash _.chunk() function.

Function signature

function chunk(arr: any[], length: number): any[][];


Pass the array and the chunk size to the function:

> {{ chunk([0,1,2,3],2) }}

[ [ 0, 1 ], [ 2, 3 ] ]

If array can't be split evenly, the final chunk will be the remaining elements:

> {{ chunk([0,1,2,3],3) }}

[ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 3 ] ]

Usage with range function

You can also combine chunk() and range() functions:

> {{ chunk(range(0,15),4) }}

[ [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ], [ 8, 9, 10, 11 ], [ 12, 13, 14, 15 ] ]

Or even better, use chunk() and range() and some SVG to create a rectangular grid:

<svg width="400" height="400">
  <g v-for="(row, y) in chunk(range(0,15),4)">
  <circle v-for="(index, x) in row" :cx="x * 100 + 50" :cy="y * 100 + 50" r="50" opacity="0.1" />
  <text v-for="(index, x) in row" :x="x * 100 + 50" :y="y * 100 + 50" text-anchor="middle" dominant-baseline="middle">
    {{ index }}